It is with great joy that we share that Ulibbo partecipa ai World Drinks Awards 2023
Author: Nativi
ulibbo winner of the gourmet prize 2022
Ulibbo è stato premiato con il Golosario Award in occasione del vinitaly 2022 of Verona to Sol&agrifood
Preferiamo far parlare le immagini.
chef Luotto e Ulibbo
We met chef Andy Luotto during vinitaly 2022 Sol&Agrifood e siamo felici del suo apprezzamento per Ulibbo.
Thanks to the skilful mix of olive and carob leaves
Amaro is born thanks to the skilful mix of olive and carob leaves harvested in the Ragusa countryside Ulibbo.
A liqueur born from an ancient family recipe,handed down from generation to generation, characterized by olive notes, carob and myrtle.
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